2023 Friday Reflections #47 Happy New Year

This is a time many of us look back and reflect on the previous year and look forward and plan the new year.  In our monthly Mid-Life Transition meeting this month, we discussed best practices for reflection and planning.  Here are the take aways.

  • Review your photos from 2023 in your phone and select your favorite 3-10 from each month and put them in an album for the year and play it for yourself and your loved ones.
  • Reflect on Growth not just Success/Failure for the last year. What have I learned and how have I grown are just as important if not more important than my success, usually measured in money.
  • Schedule down-time for planning, annually, weekly, evening daily. Have space in each interval of life.  “Ideas come to me when I am uncomfortably board.”   In this downtime, listen and then follow your intuition.  Write down what comes up and then plan it.
  • Set Intentions for behavior for the year not just outcomes. Who do you need to be?  How do you need to show up?  Centered?  Peaceful?  Confident?  Strong?
  • Remember that a goal is just an excuse for the joy of the journey. It is not about the outcome, but the journey and maybe even more who we become based on the journey. I have goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, but it is more about who I will become in the process.
  • Finally, write two letters, one for your professional life and one for your personal life, with the perspective year-end, December 31, 2024. It goes like this, “Looking back, this has been one of my best professional years because… Talk about what made it great in terms of achievements, contributions, recognitions, earnings, etc.  The second is similar, but for your personal life.  Imagine it like your Christmas letter.  This was a great year because….What do you learn?  What did you experience?  How did you invest in relationships?  How did you celebrate?  Play? Enjoy?  Grow?  How did you show up for your grand adventure?  Write those two letters in a stream of consciousness and then pull out the highlights and put them in your calendar!  You are much more likely to do it if you schedule it.  So do that now!

Thanks so much for reading and connecting this year.  I am grateful for this new life.  I hope this process helps you reconnect with the great things from 2023 and sets a foundation for a great 2024.

Happy New Year!



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