Last week, I was at the hill-top retreat center in California for the Hoffman Process. (More on that next week.) One morning, just after sunrise, I was walking toward the classroom and saw this whole field full of yellow flowers that I hadn’t noticed before. It was so bright and vibrant, but the view was partially blocked by the cars in the parking lot. I decided to walk past the parking lot to get a better view of the entire field. However, when I got passed the cars and looked back over my shoulder, there seemed to be many fewer flowers and they were much less vibrant. I turned back to my left and the flowers there were brilliantly yellow. They popped with color. I realized that looking exactly in the direction of my shadow was also how a can see the most beautiful color. The flowers were all turning toward the sun. And the same light of the sun that casts my shadow illuminates the flowers vibrantly. If I turn away from my shadow, my flaws, my patterns and programs that don’t serve me or others, because it is uncomfortable to look at, I also miss the beauty and fullness of life. My whole life gets smaller, less colorful, more gray. It is by having the courage to face all of my self, especially these forbidden or shameful aspects, that allows me to experience the full range and beauty of life. And I get to see that my shadow is not me, as I feared. It is just my shadow.
So whatever feelings you are afraid to feel or unsupportive patterns you are scared to acknowledge, face them. Bring your awareness to them. Then bring your compassion as well and see them melt away and lose their power over you. That will feel much better on its own, but you will also notice life in its fully living color as well. I have and it is wonderful.
Have a vibrant and beautiful weekend, facing your shadow.
Thanks for reading!
#beauty #vibrant #livinglifeinfullcolor #shadow #facingyourshadow #patterns #unhelpfulprograms #lettinggo #feelings #shame #shadow #shadowwork