Friday Reflections: Space

For years I have wanted to create space in my life. I even had several executive coaching sessions about it 7-8 years ago. I put a Post-It on my computer monitor to remind myself. A boss of mine even told me to not schedule every minute full, to have time for reflection and thinking. I didn’t listen. When I moved back from China, I did take some piano lessons and wrote a book, but it still wasn’t creating space, but filling the space with somethings other than work. I am finally starting to experience space! To have time to think and reflect. I woke up Monday morning with a good feeling but couldn’t put my finger on what it was. Then it hit me. It was spaciousness. Finally! Before if I had some space, some down time, I started getting anxious. I would be very uncomfortable, sometimes even feeling lonely, and drift back toward work or “doing something useful.” I would make myself busy so I wouldn’t have to feel those uncomfortable feelings. The first time I really stepped into spaciousness was my silent, solo retreat at the Monastery of Christ in the Desert in August of 2019. I was transformational and the first time I enjoyed white space. But I was still uncomfortable with it in daily life. Not anymore. I now relish and enjoy it. Having space is critical to a meaningful life and to success in business. It is how I get clarity, where realizations come from, and how I tap into creativity and innovation. Having space on our schedule also allows for meaningful connections leading to much stronger relationships. All these are needed for both success and a meaningful life. In the last weeks, I have had the great pleasure of spending open time with my parents, in-laws, and friends. It is an absolute joy to give my full attention to someone until the conversation is done, not until I must run to my next meeting. Rudyard Kipling said it well regarding creativity, “Drift, wait, and obey.” This can only happen if you have space to do so.

Whatever you are doing this weekend, give yourself some space. As you are planning next week, leave some white space in your schedule and see how much stress it relieves, and realizations, creativity, and connection in creates.

Have a great week,



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